Wednesday 25 April 2018

Study Task 07 - CoP3 proposal

  1. research question - I want to stick to the topic of gender.
  2. rationale - I want to further research this topic as I found it really interesting and is very current within the media. I also enjoyed designing packaging and logo/brands as this is what I am interested in going into after university, for this reason it would help my practise and portfolio to stick with this route. 
  3. contexts - social, cultural, environmental and aesthetic.
  4. theoretical approach - 
  5. methods - primary research such as interviewing, taking surveys and reading recent reports and studies
  6. practical outcome - design and produce packaging or advertisment
  7. resources - digital print room, jstor, google scholar
  8. time management - read the books over summer, keep a note of anything worth including in essay and where it is from
summer reading list -
  • Gender and the Media By Rosalind Gill, Rosalind M. Gill
  • Cosmetic Packaging Design: A Case Study on Gender Distinction
  • Gender Advertisements. - Goffman, Erving

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