Tuesday 3 April 2018

Study Task 01: Setting a research question

Establishing a research question:

Follow these guidelines to establish an appropriate research question

1. Focus on a specific graphic design discipline - packaging

2. The question must be open ended

3. The question must allow for suitable theoretical research as well as visual exploration

4. Position your research within contemporary graphic design practice - make it work for you

5. Do some quick preliminary research to gauge how much literature is currently available...do the same to explore what is currently happening within the industry

6. Consider what primary research methods could be used to support your research - research in shops of what is on the shelves and surveys to gage how people my age feel about gendered products

The area of graphic design I want to focus on is branding and packaging, specifically products that are aimed towards a certain gender with their marketing and design. 

The question:

Is the use of gender stereotypes in product packaging an outdated strategy when the awareness of gender fluidity is so prominent today and in turn does the continuation alienate people

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