Tuesday 24 April 2018

Logo initial sketches

absolutely necessary; essential.
"secrecy is of vital importance"
synonyms: essential, indispensable, crucial, key, necessary, needed, required, requisite, important, all-important, of the utmost importance, of great consequence, of the essence, critical, life-and-death, imperative, mandatory, urgent, pressing, burning, compelling, acute, paramount, pre-eminent, high-priority, significant, consequential; More
full of energy; lively.
"a beautiful, vital girl"
synonyms: lively, energetic, active, sprightly, spry, animated, spirited, high-spirited, vivacious, exuberant, bouncy, enthusiastic, vibrant, zestful, sparkling, dynamic, vigorous, full of vim and vigour, forceful, fiery, lusty, hale and hearty, in fine fettle; More
the body's important internal organs.
"he felt the familiar knot contract in his vitals"

All of these definitions are very appropriate for the brand I want to create. Below are some initial sketches for the logotype. I am going to development some of these in illustrator and experiment with both serif and sans serif typefaces to see what works best.

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