Tuesday 24 April 2018

Name ideas

I would like the brand name to be just a single word, short and sweet whilst being memorable and interesting to work with in terms of logo ideas.

As the brand is going to be gender neutral packaged, as well as cruelty free and made from natural ingredients here are some thesaurus results for related words.

I really like 'ordinary' as it is straight to the point and tells you it is an ordinary and honest brand that does what it says, no big promises and false claims but based on previous research there is already a well known company out there called 'The Ordinary'.

Essential is what stands out in this selection however could be confused for other brands cheap range.

None of these are appropriate for the message I want to get out there.

Vital is a strong name as it tells the consumer that is could become a vital part of your skin care routine, something you need and can rely on, the basic needs for a person. 

Fundamental could work however seems a bit long to really stick in someones mind and to be able to create a clean and minimal logo for.

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