Tuesday 23 October 2018

Proposal Presentation

Below are the slides from the presentation I prepared for the initial cop feedback. I am quite nervous and anxious when it comes to presenting, therefore felt I didn't get my ideas across as well as I could have done. 

I recieved feedback from some of my peers as well as tutors, it is as follows:
  • consider changing the title of the question from how successful as this makes it seem like it is over, however it is far from. consider instead saying 'the role of design'.
  • look at the difference between feminist art designed by men and women
  • look at parody and subversion for visual response
  • embed the ideas i have learnt about into a visual response rather than producing a zine including the information and history
  • look at getting more people involved in the feminist movement, a lot of people in 2018 feel that gender equality is a lot more successful than what it currently is, it needs to be reinstalled to young men and women

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